Tag Archives: notable-figure

Miley Cyrus Talking About Her Pig’s Butt of the Day

Here’s Miley sounding half retarded, planning Bacon…when she’s done with “Big Pig”…but I assume that Miley Cyrus is high as fuck, trying to show her fans that she makes as banal observations when high…just like them and in this case…it’s the shine of her pig butt…. I guess to think Miley was the only money grubbing pig in her house was wrong…because apparently the inbred hick popstar trying to be “weird”…because it’s trendy…has a pet pig…she probably doesn’t take care of.. Much like me, only my pig is my fat wife, but this isn’t about me, this is about Miley, who I guess got her pet pig that she doesn’t actually take care of, as a tribute to her family…because pigs remind her of the old country she came from, the back woods of the Kentucky, where that her grand pappy was the richest man in the community, because he was the one with the pig…a richness that allowed him to become a notable figure in his Kentucky town, probably the reason Billy Ray could have a career..it’s always the rich kids… So whether Miley is from a long line of pig fucking farm people…because even rich hicks fuck their livestock if they are horny enough…it’s safe to assume, she’s just doing this to be obscure, tumblr cool, funny and ironic…for her branding purposes…because anyone who has spent time with pigs, like I have, even though they were in the form of my wife….they’ll know…pigs are pretty gross, demanding, food loving, take up too much of the bed, and smell like shit…always complaining, especially now that she’s menopausal… Here’s her mouth… The post Miley Cyrus Talking About Her Pig’s Butt of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus Talking About Her Pig’s Butt of the Day