Tag Archives: notable-items

Kendra Wilkinson, OK! Weekly Continue to Set Horrible Examples

Shame on you, Kendra Wilkinson. You’re a mother now. It’s time to set a good example. Not a week has gone by in 2010 where Kendra has not been featured on the cover of a supermarket tabloid. She’s not exactly talented. She needs to make money somehow. We get that. But the latest issue of OK! Weekly continues a disturbing trend by magazines across the nation, most notably this pathetic rag: the focus on post-pregnancy weight loss. Even Kourtney Kardashian acknowledges that it’s perfectly acceptable to not return to a size two immediately upon giving birth. One is tired, one is taking care of a newborn, it’s quite alright if one’s figure shows the signs of new motherhood. But is Kendra willing to take a stand against the unhealthy message that women must go on a strict diet as soon as a baby is no longer in their womb? Not if she can get paid for promoting it! Wilkinson says she goes through “45 minutes of hardcore training and weightlifting,” followed by the treadmill until she’s tired. She also does squats and lunges. Hey, it’s easy to find time for this routine when you have no actual job and can pay a nanny to look after your son. Kendra’s goal? To look like Kim Kardashian . “She can be my motivation to try and get the best booty in Hollywood!” she tells the magazine. THG’s goal? For everyone to boycott OK! Weekly . Will you help us make this into a reality?

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Kendra Wilkinson, OK! Weekly Continue to Set Horrible Examples