Tag Archives: nudity-clauses

Kristen Bell Won’t Go Nude on House of Lies After All

We wanted to believe Don Cheadle when he said ” everybody has to get naked ” on his new show House of Lies , though in the case of co-star Kristen Bell , it seemed a little too good to be true. And we don’t want to believe a recent Fox News article on the growing popularity of nudity clauses that says Bell ain’t changing her skingy ways any time soon, but alas, they’re probably right: “Kristen Bell, who came to fame 10 years ago as a crime-solving high school student on Veronica Mars, agreed to work in a bra and panties — but not the Full Monty — in the new sex-filled Showtime drama “House of Lies.” She’s now 31.” You can send your hate mail to Don Cheadle, c/o Showtime, Los Angeles, CA 900weallknowthisisn’tarealaddresssodontbother. But what is real is the nudity from Kristen’s co-stars Dawn Olivieri , Amy Landecker , Daphne Duplaix and more right here at MrSkin.com!

Originally posted here:
Kristen Bell Won’t Go Nude on House of Lies After All