Tag Archives: objects-inside

Hayden Panettiere’s Midget Legs of the Day

I didn’t realize that midget was offensive until yesterday when I got to talking to some girl and midgets came up in conversation. I started joking around about how disgusting midgets are and how the give would give me nightmares if I had to deal with them more than just crossing the street to avoid them. But then she ruined my fun by showing me a family photo and both her parents were fucking midgets….it was like a sitcom situation you see on TV and get mad at how shitty the writing is to make such an obvious awkward joke…only it was unfortunately real life and the good thing is that I have no soul, I didn’t care, and made more jokes about the shit until she lost her shit and told me to fuck off cuz I was a disgusting pig…and although Hayden Panettiere isn’t an actual midget…she might as well be…since her sex appeal is about on the same level as a midget…but some how she was marketed into being a hot thing a few years ago…something I never understood…but for those of you who still think she’s hot cuz marketing works on you…here are her legs…cuz it turns out girls in shorts aren’t quite as good to jerk off to as girls who are naked and inserting objects inside themselves…..but they are better than nothing….I guess… Pics via Fame

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Hayden Panettiere’s Midget Legs of the Day