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Spiritual Solutions by Deepak Chopra

Find out more at www.deepakchopra.com Most people do not realize that the challenges they experience in their life is there for a spiritual reason. The reason is to take them back to their inner purpose. Knowing this is obvious that there is a spiritual solution to every problem. The solution does not exist at the level where the problem occurred. You need to move to a higher awareness level to find a solution. I offer spiritual solutions in my book for material success and awareness, health and well-being, higher consciousness and relationships. Deepak Chopra spiritual spirituality Educational Guru Talk “self help” “life coach” brain mind Business cretivity problem Success http://www.youtube.com/v/FbMntW6emA4?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata View original post here: Spiritual Solutions by Deepak Chopra


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Spiritual Solutions by Deepak Chopra