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Abolitionist Offset Compares Anti-Abortion Laws To Slavery, Migosly Makes Valid Points

Source: WENN.com / WENN You know EXACTLY what he meant… Offset Speaks Out Against Anti-Abortion Laws Offset thinks a woman has a right to choose and he’s blasting lawmakers nationwide. In case you’ve been living under a rock, new anti-abortion laws passed in Georgia and Alabama. Offset who’s clearly aware of what’s percolating in the news cycle went OFF on Twitter about the laws, one of which bans almost all abortions in the state, with no exceptions for cases of rape or incest. “New laws is slavory To force a rape victim to keep a child is SLAVORY IM NOT PROUD TO SAY IM FROM AMERICA!!!” wrote Offset. New laws is slavory To force a rape victim to keep a child is SLAVORY IM NOT PROUD TO SAY IM FROM AMERICA!!! — OFFSET (@OffsetYRN) May 18, 2019 He quickly corrected himself and said that he misspelled “slavery” out of anger. I miss spelled the word from anger sorry yal smh — OFFSET (@OffsetYRN) May 18, 2019 Offset CLEARLY meant well and he meant every word, salute to him. Some of your fave celebrities haven’t uttered a word about the war lawmakers are waging against women’s rights. Source: FayesVision/WENN.com / WENN Offset’s words don’t come without controversy, of course, a certain cornball curmudgeon tried to come for Offset—but he clapped back.

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Abolitionist Offset Compares Anti-Abortion Laws To Slavery, Migosly Makes Valid Points