Tag Archives: on-screen fathers

Top 5 On-Screen Fathers We Can’t Stand

Father’s Day is always a great day to reflect on the amazing things your own dad has done for you, and on a website that focuses a lot on women most of the time, it’s nice to show some love to the men, especially the committed fathers out there, near and far, real or fake. We’ve already most recently given mad props to our favorite fathers from our favorite movies , but now it’s time to put on blast a few fathers from some film and television gems, who canit seem to act right. Their deeds have made them some of the crappiest dads out there, and hopefully this list will help you be more grateful for the dad you’ve got. Cause he could be one of these fools. Oh, one more thing. If you have not seen “For Colored Girls,” but you plan to see it, do NOT click on the last slide. *SPOILER ALERT* Continued at MadameNoire.com

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Top 5 On-Screen Fathers We Can’t Stand