Tag Archives: one-awesome

Taylor Swift And Gigi Hadid’s Booties Make A Great Pair!

Because Taylor Swift always seems to have the hottest friends, here’s my favorite pop star going for a hike with one of my new favorite models Gigi Hadid and putting on one awesome leg show in the process. And I know that Taylor’s friends with hot models and hot pop stars and hot actresses, but I’m wondering if she’s got any room for a pasty perverted blogger in her circle of friends. Every group needs one! And I’ve got so much to offer: a great basement for sleepovers and pillow fights, I give good back rubs, and I’m a pro at braiding hair. OK, maybe not that last one, but hey, I’m willing to learn. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

Taylor Swift And Gigi Hadid’s Booties Make A Great Pair!

Because Taylor Swift always seems to have the hottest friends, here’s my favorite pop star going for a hike with one of my new favorite models Gigi Hadid and putting on one awesome leg show in the process. And I know that Taylor’s friends with hot models and hot pop stars and hot actresses, but I’m wondering if she’s got any room for a pasty perverted blogger in her circle of friends. Every group needs one! And I’ve got so much to offer: a great basement for sleepovers and pillow fights, I give good back rubs, and I’m a pro at braiding hair. OK, maybe not that last one, but hey, I’m willing to learn. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com Continue reading

See The Ultimate Movie Hero On One Glorious Poster

To honor the nominees of this year’s “Best Hero” MTV Movie Award, we mashed up all five of the potential winners into one awesome hero.

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See The Ultimate Movie Hero On One Glorious Poster