Tag Archives: onto-the-dance

Bill Murray and the Moonrise Kingdom Cannes Tween Dance Party

Ain’t no party like a Bill Murray dance party? Vulture had a front row seat at Cannes : “At the request of [ Moonrise Kingdom co-star Jared] Gilman, who just had his bar mitzvah and has a taste for dub-step, Bill Murray led the troop onto the dance floor, where the four kids and their accompanying man-child wiggled and jumped around with abandon. It was a scene of such next-level adorability that nearly everyone in the immediate vicinity pulled out a camera phone. ‘We’re just chilling! We’re just chilling!’ Murray shouted out as he put the kibosh on each video in turn. Then he’d go back to more happy wriggling to songs like ‘I’m So Excited.'” [ Vulture ]

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Bill Murray and the Moonrise Kingdom Cannes Tween Dance Party