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Justin Bieber 3D film snares first positive review

TrendPK.com : Weeks before Justin Bieber’s 3D motion picture experience, “Never Say Never,” is due to open in theaters, the film got its first vote of confidence. “They’ll laugh, they’ll cry, they’ll squeal, they’ll smile, and after some 100 minutes of heart-racing, in-your-face 3-D footage, even the most casual of teen fans and the stodgiest of parents will exit the movie theater a complete Justin Bieber convert,” Shirley Halperin writes in The Hollywood Reporter following a screening on the Paramount lot. The timing of the film’s release – Feb. 11 – coincides with several high-profile Bieber cameos. He’ll appear alongside Ozzy Osbourne in a Super Bowl commercial on Sunday, Feb. 6. And the film opens the same week that Bieber appears at the Grammys and has his songs showcased on “Glee.” Can world domination be far behind? Actually, Bieber isn’t preaching a message of domination. Rather, he’s spreading a gospel of love, according to THR. Tthey have a greater purpose: spreading love, be it through a sea of hand-shaped hearts, irresistible pop ditties like ‘Smile,’ ‘Eenie Meenie,’ and ‘Baby,’ or the swoon-worthy ‘One Less Lonely Girl,’” Halperin writes. “The beauty of 3-D is that anyone can feel like they’re the girl plucked from the crowd and invited to watch the show from the front row (team Bieber gifts several fans at every tour stop), but the effects go way beyond just having a good seat, you get to see everything — from behind-the-scenes to above the stage, the dressing room where Bieber, you know, dresses, to the tour bus to his hometown, in Stratford, Ontario, where life as its most famous resident couldn’t get more surreal.” Still, the movie might not be for everyone, Halperin warns. “Bring your earplugs, parents, and expect the shriek volume to hit the red zone with every point of Bieber’s finger — and there are many.” “Never” hits theaters on Feb. 11.

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Justin Bieber 3D film snares first positive review