Tag Archives: original-fame

Katie Holmes is Wet and Sniffing her Vagina for Ocean Drive of the Day

Katie Holmes is sniffing her vagina for Ocean Drive magazine, assuming that this model of Katie Holmes that Tom Cruise an his Scientology team created even gave her a vagina, maybe she’s looking for her vagina, because that as we all know Tom Cruise fucking hates vaginas… She’s looking older, haggard, like she has seen some shit…but those of you who liked her back on Dawson’s creek, before she was abducted, can probably still find joy in this….what once had potential to be gold, but who is now made of gold, becuase the conductivity is best for high end components…and/or beause she had Tom Cruise’s baby and that dude will Charlie Sheen a bitch to keep her mouth shut…about the Gay HIV he may or may not have and or just the Gay that he definitely has…and tries to repress thanks to his cult.. Fascinating… The post Katie Holmes is Wet and Sniffing her Vagina for Ocean Drive of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katie Holmes is Wet and Sniffing her Vagina for Ocean Drive of the Day

Maitland Ward Nipple on Snapchat of the Day

Maitland Ward may not be someone you know or someone you really understand…but she’s someone who 40 year olds masturbated to in the 90s…on Friday nights…when she was the hot girlfriend on Boy Meets World…and for some reason, a reason I call nostalgia and huge tits…that has carried her 20 years into the future..to be someone that the paparazzi humor, but that doesn’t actually get work…but she does have fun, dressing up for various holidays, putting herself out there for the sake of putting herself out there to be made fun of, while flashing tits and really exposing herself in a “What is wrong with the girl, I don’t get it but I like it” way…. Well, she flashed her tits on snapchat…and people got excited about it…so why not give her the virtual high five, that’I’d prefer if it involved me feeding off her like her adult baby…since they are so fucking big… A little “Momma….is that you, why did you leave me when I was a baby, you said you were going to get cigarettes and you never cam back…I feel so alone..” as she reads me bedtime stories or we watch reruns of Boy Meets World…her glory days…that led to this very silly comeback tour…becasue taking yourself so seriously is just dumb… The post Maitland Ward Nipple on Snapchat of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Maitland Ward Nipple on Snapchat of the Day

Nicola Mcleam See Through of the Day

In a world full of fat chicks being objectified as if they were skinny chicks, but packaged as though they are breaking down boundaries, even if the intended purpose of said fat chick being objectified is the exact same of that exploitation or objectification of the skinny girl before her, only now, instead of “check out these tits”…they say “check out this courage”… I like to pay attention to original fame whores, like Nicola McLean, who must be 40, despite looking 60, who understand that showing their tits is what matters and why they exist and had the life they had, by showing their tits…as a tribute to better days.. No, I don’t remember Nicola McLean, the UK Glamour model… but I’m sure she’s been around…at least according to her rugged well traveled look… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Nicola Mcleam See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Nicola Mcleam See Through of the Day