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Madonna To Play Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Show

Singer will perform alongside Cirque du Soleil. By Gil Kaufman Madonna Photo: Getty Images The worst-kept secret in sports and music has finally been confirmed: Madonna will play the halftime show at Super Bowl XLVI on February 5. The gig has been rumored for months, but on Sunday night the NFL confirmed that Madonna will make her Super Bowl debut in an extravaganza that will be “imagined” by Cirque du Soleil and her longtime choreographer/creative director Jamie King. The game is scheduled for the first Sunday in February at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis and the half time booking continues a recent trend of inviting global superstars to rock the biggest TV event of the year. Madonna follows in the footsteps of last year’s entertainment, the Black Eyed Peas, as well as recent gigs by Bruce Springsteen, the Rolling Stones, The Who, Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, U2, Paul McCartney and Prince. The gig will take place just two days before Madonna’s English romantic drama, “W.E.,” hits theaters . The singer is also slated to release her as-yet-untitled 12th studio album in 2012 and a first single could drop around the time of the Super Bowl. Singer M.I.A. recently confirmed 
 that she and Nicki Minaj have collaborated with Madonna on a new song reportedly titled “Give Me All You Love,” which leaked last month. “Summond to NYC by bitchesses MADONNA and NICKIMINAJ,” M.I.A. tweeted over the Thanksgiving weekend. “cofffffiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee it iz a good day to get me tho trustttt bitches.” The leak may have pleased fans, but it left Madonna and her camp pretty unhappy. Shortly after the track hit the Web, Madonna’s manager, Guy Oseary Tweeted a response to the leak. “The plan was for new music to come out in the new year,” he said. “I’m very happy with the positive reaction to the demo, but we are very upset with whoever leaked the song!!!!!!!! we are asking that the fans please help us police any more leaks. we have a lot in store for you. but please respect the process.” Madonna, via Oseary, also expressed her feelings about the leak. “Madonna told me this morning ‘my true fans wouldn’t do this,’ ” he wrote. “Whoever is responsible for this leak, we ask that you please stop!” Related Artists Madonna

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Madonna To Play Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Show