Some UK cokehead “fashionista” hipster trash was also at Coachella, the shittiest smelling “music festival” so far this year, because hipster trash has nothing better to do with themselves than travel to music festivals in America, where they can sit in the VIP area and talk to other scenester celebrities about how they tricked the world into making them alot of money…. See one of these gutter pigs was a top model who made HUGE money and may still make huge money but I wouldn’t know since I don’t follow her bullshit….naked Angyness Deyn and here is her nipple…since hipsters don’t wear bras….esepcailly when we’ve all seen them naked in their work…. The other is the daughter of some knighted drug addict who threw a concert and pretended it was for charity but has been able to fuel his life of luxury off the shit the last 3 decades as well as fueling the life of his daughters who waste space, take drugs, do nothing, contribute nothing, and area totally uninteresting, unattractive and ugly especially when in their little shorts… At least they have each other to understand each other….or some shit… Pics via PacificCoastNews
Agyness Deyn Nipple and Pixie Geldoff Ass at Coachella of the Day