Tag Archives: others-failed

Moneyball, The Descendants Among Highly Anticipated 2011 Toronto International Film Festival Premieres

Toronto International Film Festival organizers took to Twitter early on Tuesday morning to announce the initial line-up for the 36th annual Toronto International Film Festival — and what a lineup! Hot fall releases like Moneyball and The Descendants lead the way, while Davis Guggenheim’s U2 documentary From the Sky Down will open the festivities. Click through for the list of impressive film titles.

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Moneyball, The Descendants Among Highly Anticipated 2011 Toronto International Film Festival Premieres

Can Margin Call Make the Financial Crisis Interesting?

A funny thing about the financial crisis that started in 2008 and continues to affect both Main Street and Wall Street to this day: it doesn’t really translate that well to film. Well, feature films, anyway. The documentaries are great — see Inside Job , for reference — but from Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps to the HBO film Too Big to Fail , the biggest news story of the last three years seems all too small and boring when high-priced stars are acting out its machinations onscreen. Into that arena comes Margin Call ; can the star-studded fiscal drama succeed where others failed?

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Can Margin Call Make the Financial Crisis Interesting?