Tag Archives: our-teachers

Stay In School? Celebrities Who Made Millions Despite Not Even Finishing High School

Celebrities Who Didn’t Finish High School Remember when teachers told us to stay in school? They said we’d never amount to anything if we didn’t go to some institution of higher learning. Well apparently everything our teachers told us was a lie because it’s quite possible to drop out of college and make it rain on the entire world. Don’t believe us? Take a look at these celebrities that made it rain on the world without even having a high school diploma.

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Stay In School? Celebrities Who Made Millions Despite Not Even Finishing High School

8 Real Grade Schools That Went Completely Insane

Teaching is hard. Kids are tough to deal with, the pay is bad and parents are always complaining. We understand that, and salute our teachers for the crucial job that they do. Well, the ones who haven't gone utterly insane anyway. Apparently quite a few of them have… Read more: http://www.cracked.com/article_18587_8-school-stories-too-disturbing-to-be-true…. http://www.cracked.com/article_18587_8-school-stories-too-disturbing-to-be-true…. added by: cclark_productions