Tag Archives: outdoors-guru

Lily James to Play Cinderella in Live-Action Adaptation

At this point, it seems you have to be named Lily in order to play a fairy tale princess in a live-action adaptation. Sorry “Jessica,” not gonna happen. And you can just forget about it, “Claire.” Same goes for you, “Lilly” with two L’s. Lily James has been cast to play Cinderella in the new live-action adaptation. That’s after Lily Collins took on the role of Snow White in last year’s  Mirror Mirror . James, best known for her role of Lady Rose on Downton Abbey , beat out Bella Heathcote, and Margot Robbie for the role. Kenneth Branagh will direct the film, which is set to begin production this fall for a 2014 release.

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Lily James to Play Cinderella in Live-Action Adaptation

Bear Grylls Snake Bite Photo: That’s Gotta Hurt!

Professional adventurer/outdoors guru Bear Grylls has seen his share of gruesome injuries, but this one is on par with Kevin Ware broken leg photo . Grylls tweeted a photo earlier today with the caption, “our man vs wild producer suffering from a brutal snake bite – fighting the injury with courage.” You really don’t want or need to see the pic Grylls Tweeted. It is not worth it. We’re telling you, people. DON’T DO IT. Okay, for those who can’t resist … you’ve been warned! Yeah. Safe to say that snake was not your garden variety model. Sometimes, when it comes to Man vs. Wild … bet on Wild.

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Bear Grylls Snake Bite Photo: That’s Gotta Hurt!