The mortal son of the god Zeus embarks on a perilous journey to stop the underworld and its minions from spreading their evil to Earth as well as the heavens. The monsters themselves are pretty cool and I did enjoy the scene where Medusa and the awful Hydra speak to each other in distorted English! Obviously, this intended to match the scale of Fritz Lang’s two-part “Der Klash von Eschnapur” (1959),it cannot hold a candle to the German master’s work,but I noticed some echoes of that film in this production though, as in, recycled music and there was even some little bits ripped off from American movies as well, such as the Kraken from “Beastmaster: the Barbarian”.. The “gods” look like a rejects from 2003’s Ven Helsing, and they have a little monster friend who can’t walk upright (bad job there, guys) but does manage to hold his own nonetheless. Bobo, the owl mecha, can grow in size and has a head like a Cylon from “Battlestar Galactica” and hooks instead of paws. > > Read More 2010 Clash of the Titans is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading →