Tag Archives: parts-on-gif

Kylie Jenner Does Vogue

Well Vogue lost all credibility when they put this FrankenJenner on the cover of their magazine. I don’t what the editors’s are thinking. Do they believe that this old lady will sell copies? I remember a time when Vogue was influential, but now they are no better than a tabloid. » view all 11 photos                  

Go here to see the original:
Kylie Jenner Does Vogue

Ariana Grande Does VMAs Good

Last night, Ariana Grande performed at the VMAs and I managed to get the best parts on GIF. The actual performance video which keeps getting taken down is awful. It’s such a shame because she is such a cutie. If only her music was tolerable. I know kids love her, but let’s be honest she is a Christina Aguilera clone and it’s like listening to nails on a chalkboard.              

Originally posted here:
Ariana Grande Does VMAs Good