Tag Archives: party-at-priv

Coupled Up? Angela Simmons And Bow Wow Seen On The Party Seen At Privé [Photos]

Are Angela and Bow Wow better as lovers or friends? Sure looks like things have cooled off for the occasional boos/besties who co-hosted Alex Gidewon’s Friday night party at Privé. While both stars were at the club they were seated in separate sections and the only photos we could find of them together had Kenny Burns smack in the middle! Trouble in paradise or are they trying to play it like they’re just casual friends again? “Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta” star Ariane was also in the building. You likey her polka dot get up? More shots below: Prince Williams/ATLPics.net

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Coupled Up? Angela Simmons And Bow Wow Seen On The Party Seen At Privé [Photos]