Tag Archives: party-dressed

Paris Hilton Does Halloween Right

I know that I like to make fun of Paris Hilton for not being famous anymore these days, but I’ve got to give credit where credit’s due: the girl definitely knows how to celebrate Halloween . Which is more than I can say for some other so-called celebrities out there . So here’s Paris at some big Hollywood Halloween party dressed like… well, I’m not really sure. But whatever it is, I like it! So enjoy. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Paris Hilton Does Halloween Right

Holly Madison Is Dressed Up As Something For Halloween

Here’s former playmate Holly Madison at some halloween party dressed as… I don’t know what she’s dressed as. Somebody from New Jersey’s couch? She’s been in this business for a long time now, she should know that as a general rule you put the work ;slutty’ in front of anything and the costume is going to look good.

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Holly Madison Is Dressed Up As Something For Halloween