Tag Archives: pastor-manning

Pastor Manning Rebukes Trump’s “Momma Where The Sun Don’t Shine” For Haiti & Africa Comments [Video]

Pastor Manning used to “sort of” ride with Trump. Over the year, we realized Pastor Manning only rides with one life form. Continue reading

Godly Shots Fired: Pastor Manning Goes In On Bill Maher’s Atheist Self “The Fool Refuted” [Video]

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The Dream Introduces New Fiance And This Time It’s Some “Asian Fornication!” [Video]

Sorry Christina , but this guy is not worried about no damn kids. He is thinking strictly about his next conquest: The Dream brought the heat at Z1079 Summer Jam in Cleveland, Ohio this weekend and he also had a special guest with him. Colby Colb went behind the scenes backstage with The Dream to talk about his studio time with Beyonce and his new song ‘Dope Chick.’ The Dream decided to share some additional news with Colby. Take a look at the video below to get a peek of the new ‘DOPE CHICK’ in The Dream’s life… his fiance!? YES, you tell us if she is DOPE! Pastor Manning would call Dream a “short legged-sweet voiced singing-Grimace looking… Maaack Daaaadddy!” The Dream New Fiance Z107.9

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The Dream Introduces New Fiance And This Time It’s Some “Asian Fornication!” [Video]