Tag Archives: perceived-goals

REVIEW: Flailing Don Cheadle and Brendan Gleeson Can’t Rescue The Guard

For those weary of parsing which part of the post- Dirty Harry , post-Tarantino cops and robbers homage is demonstrating its fondness for the genre and which is just declaring it, writer and director John Michael McDonagh’s The Guard is more exhausting than entertaining. Ideally one would have better things to do while in the act of watching a movie — like say watching the movie — but from its assaultive, nihilistic prologue to its last flat invocation of American culture, The Guard foregrounds the extent to which it is leaning on artifice and affect to get over.

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REVIEW: Flailing Don Cheadle and Brendan Gleeson Can’t Rescue The Guard

Kevin Smith Explains His Oscar Campaign Plans, Defends $20 Ticket Price for Qualifying Run

When word hit that Kevin Smith was aiming for the Oscars with a qualifying theatrical run for his divisive film, Red State , critics split over his perceived goals and, more specifically, the financial terms of his week-long engagement at L.A.’ s beloved, family-run New Beverly Cinema . Reached for comment, Smith explained his award season intent and why he’s charging $20 for a screening and Q&A at a theater where you can get a double feature for $7 every night, often with an amazing Q&A for free.

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Kevin Smith Explains His Oscar Campaign Plans, Defends $20 Ticket Price for Qualifying Run