Tag Archives: place-winners

When PROMS Attack !

– Stuck at Prom Duct Tape Costume Constest | Oddity Central – Collecting Oddities Have you ever considered making your prom dress or suit out of duct tape? No? How about for $3,000? Duck brand Duct Tape have been organizing the “Stuck at Prom” competition for 10 straight years, challenging students to create original prom costumes using as much duct tape as possible. Competitors’ costumes are judged according to the following criteria: workmanship, originality, use of color, accessories and amount of duct tape used. The 10 best costumes are subjected to an online vote. First place winners receive a $3,000 scholarship, second place gets $2,000, third place $1,000 and runners up receive $500. It may not seem like much, but in these troubled times any penny counts. And plus, you get to wear a cheap prom costume that will definitely catch everyone’s eyes. LINK – http://www.odditycentral.com/pics/stuck-at-prom.html http://th06.deviantart.net/fs11/PRE/i/2006/168/9/1/Duct_Tape_Prom_by_prozann.jpg added by: remanns