Tag Archives: plastic-bloody

‘Stay if you have a vuvuzela’: the inevitable Hitler Downfall parody has landed

You thought that the droning of Downfall videos had been stopped by the action of the original film makers? Nah – you’ll never stop people sneaking these things in. Yes, of course it had to happen – and of course a Briton has written the dialogue: the inevitably Hitler Downfall parody (no, they haven’t all been killed off ) about those damn delightful vuvuzelas that so add to the atmosphere at the World Cup and have audiologists all over South Africa’s cities rubbing their hands at the hearing aids they’re going to be selling in 20 years’ time. For – we take up the story – Hitler is looking forward to Germany’s onward march to the World Cup final, where it will meet Brazil, of course, with all their lovely drums and singing. What? What’s that? Fifa hasn’t banned the vuvuzela? And off we go… “Stay. If you have a vuvuzela.” “Are you insane? Ruining the World Cup with a plastic bloody horn?” “There are over 300 million people like me watching in their slippers at home suffering through 90 minutes of tuneless droning trumpet.” Written by Ken McHardie , who describes himself as a “Sometime filmmaker, photographer, IT Consultant & Technical Author (the bit that pays)” from St Albans (can you imagine any other nation than Britain using “slippers” in that above sentence? No), we have to say – nice one Ken. Vuvuzelas World Cup 2010 Charles Arthur guardian.co.uk

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‘Stay if you have a vuvuzela’: the inevitable Hitler Downfall parody has landed