Tag Archives: players-at-ows

Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg’s NYPD arrests French bagpipe players at OWS six-month celebration in Zuccotti Park. Also, police violence against the non-violent


Original post:

Jeebus, Mike, who’s handling the PR on this Occupier thing, anyhow? That “Jake” kid that couldn’t shut Smith up? See, brutality is one thing, everybody understands that , but bagpipes ? French bagpipes? What’s WRONG with you guys? And those Feds you’ve got downtown ; wasn’t anybody watching the screens? Do you want the NPYD to look like your private goon squad? Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : naked capitalism Discovery Date : 18/03/2012 08:34 Number of articles : 2

Mayor-for-Life Bloomberg’s NYPD arrests French bagpipe players at OWS six-month celebration in Zuccotti Park. Also, police violence against the non-violent