Tag Archives: plays-it-well

Aubrey O’Day Buying Fans cuz She’s Fat of the Day

I don’t know if this video is technically of Aubrey O’Day buying fans, because she makes some dude she’s hanging with, who is probably rich and black or white and into fat chicks who banged diddy, finance the money she give a homeless guy….you know in typical whore behavior, making idiot dudes step up by putting them on the spot, because she’s a fucking master manipulator, otherwise at her size, she’d be working McDonalds and not getting treated like she’s relevant on any level other than to a restaurant owner inviting her in….. Aubrey O’Day plays it well, like she doesn’t acknowledge her weight issues…she’s on this kick that she’s the next Coco cuz she knows if she admits to being fat, others will catch on, while if she pretends to have a body, people will embrace it and love her for it, and the whole thing is nuts but luckily…it really doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of life. Here’s the video

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Aubrey O’Day Buying Fans cuz She’s Fat of the Day