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Site Update

Hey guys, we are currently fixing some issues with the site. We should be back up and running shortly. Thanks for your patience. In the meantime, please check out our friends. The Chive Popoholic Dlisted WWTDD IDLYITW Egotastic Lainey Gossip Fishwrapper Moejackson

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Site Update

New Ideas For Traditional Sleeve Tattoos

One of the most popular types of tattoo is the sleeve tattoo. These tattoos are not just arm tattoos, like what most people know. They are tattoos that look like sleeves because they cover a large area of one part of the body (e.g Continue reading

Wrist Tattoos Design Reviewed

Before considering the best body part locations for your tattoo design, we should ask ourselves if the wrist is actually the best location for a tattoo. Continue reading

Tattoo Director – Custom Tattoo Designs

There are many reasons why people wanted to get a tattoo. Among those reasons are to be different than the others as well as peer acceptance. However, going to your local tattoo parlor and selecting a design there often leaves you frustrated Continue reading

Sleeve Tattoo Designs – Dragon, Tribal, Celtic, and Japanese Tattoos on Your Arms

Sleeve tattoos have become extremely popular in the past few years because they are an amazing way to tell a story or create a living work or art and expression. With different pictures working together, a person can evoke many feelings at once. Continue reading

Dolphin Tattoo Designs – Among the Prettiest Tattoo Designs

Dolphin tattoo designs have been skyrocketing in popularity recently. It has become very fashionable for both men and women to sport dolphin tattoo designs. Mankind has always been fascinated with dolphins and these animals have fired our imagination for the past several centuries. Continue reading