Tag Archives: plus-interest

Octomom Told to Pay Up or GTFO By New Year’s

The man who holds the note to Octomom’s house is once again saying how he’s fed up with her games, and now wants her to pay $450,000 by January 1. Plus interest, natch. Amer Haddadin says he’s been more than understanding when Nadya Suleman fell behind in making her monthly payments, but, well, enough is enough. Octomom can run, but she … wait, she can run? A $450,000 balloon payment has been looming over the mother of 14 for months … it becomes due every time she falls behind on California mortgage payments. Amer, who planned to publicly shame her the last time this happened, only to have her scrape together the cash last minute, says she’s fallen behind once again. Guy served Octomom’s lawyer with a letter demanding Nads pay the full $450,000 balance plus interest by December 31 or get out of her La Habra home. She scraped up the cash last time somehow … can she do it again?!?

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Octomom Told to Pay Up or GTFO By New Year’s