Tag Archives: pocket-full

Lindsay Lohan’s Shirt Is On Backwards

I get the feeling that Lindsay Lohan is drinking again because she seems to be wearing her shirt incorrectly. I’m not up to date on the latest fashions, unless beer stained Vuarnet t-shirts are considered haute couture, but I believe it’s on backwards. I’m 99% sure that it’s supposed to be the other way around so that perverts like me can see that juicy front meat of hers. Who’s with me?

Possibly The Hottest Megan Fox Pictures Ever!

Maybe it’s just me, but this is what I expect to see every time Megan Fox leaves the house. I don’t need to see her in some dumpy period pants , cleavage busting dresses or nothing at all. Here she is at the premiere of her awful new movie Jonah Hex looking absolutely –expletive removed– awesome. I know that melons is an outdated term for breasts, but I think it’s appropriate for these pictures because Megan’s melons look ripe for the picking and I’ve got a pocket full of prosciutto. more pictures of Megan Fox here