Paris Hilton is a polluted pile of shit…who is old, who was beat by an Armenian at her own game, even though historically Armenians don’t win, that was an Armenian genocide by the Turks joke, making me wonder just how useless Paris Hilton might be…remembering that like most rich girls…she’s totally fucking useless…but the one thing she did excel at was getting naked and fucked while high…and distributing it to the world..landing a TV show where she played a half retard…and for some reason, a reason I call marketing and the general public being full retard it worked for her, even though she didn’t really need it to, because she has more money than god and this was all just a cry for attention… Well now she’s old, well rested, and still up to her “Look at me antics”…and sometimes I don’t mind looking at her, because ultimately, what she did and what she represents is pretty fucking funny, and far more entertaining than so many socialite twats in their tennis whites before her….it’s like she revolutionized rich kids and said “It’s okay to be gutter trash, we have trust funds”…and I am into that…Own your herpes…and buy for friends…
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Paris Hilton’s Intense Bathing Suit for the Internet of the Day