Tag Archives: poster-puzzle

The 100 Days ‘Til The Hunger Games Poster Puzzle Hunt Is On — And We’ve Got #78!

Make like Katniss and sharpen those hunting skills, Hunger Games fans, because Lionsgate’s launching a scavenger hunt with a worthy payoff to count down the mere 100 days that remain until Suzanne Collins’ dystopian teen battle royale tale hits screens on March 23: Collect all 100 pieces in the Hunger Games 100 Poster Puzzle Hunt and be the first to get a peek at the full official first poster for the March flick. You can start with golden-flecked puzzle piece #78 (of 100), which Movieline hosts exclusively after the jump. (Hint: It’s a corner piece! Get to puzzling already!)

Originally posted here:
The 100 Days ‘Til The Hunger Games Poster Puzzle Hunt Is On — And We’ve Got #78!

justin bieber concert poster

Concert Poster – Justin Bieber 720x431Justin Bieber My World 2010. Posters > Promo Posters Price: $10.00justin bieber concert poster, ,Justin Bieber Concert Never Say Never, 1273503625 26 Something funny to write on a Justin Bieber concert poster?Justin Bieber fans! I know you’ve been wanting to know more about Justin Justin Bieber Movie Poster Puzzle: Piece 4Justin Bieber My World Tour Concert

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justin bieber concert poster