Massachusetts Woman Gives Birth To 14-Pound Baby via Huffington Post Meet Carisa Ruscak, the second-biggest baby ever born at Massachusetts General Hospital. Carisa came into the world on Tuesday, weighing 14.5 pounds — nearly double the size of the average American newborn. “Everyone in the operating room was like, ‘Oh my God, look at the size of this baby! Let’s get her on the scale, what does she weigh?’” mom Caroline told WHDH. “It validated me because I was in a lot of pain when I was pregnant, so to hear the size, it made sense,” she told WCVB. “That’s what we like, long and big. That’s what I am,” dad Bryan told the WCVB. “I’ve been teased a lot so I’m a good sport, no problem with me long as they don’t say anything bad about my little girl.” Born via Caesarean section, Carisa is roughly the weight of an average 6-month-old baby. ABC News reports that only about 1 in every 100,000 babies weigh 14 pounds or more. The couple’s first baby was more than 10 pounds so doctors were prepared for another big delivery . “She didn’t have diabetes or any other things that we associate with big babies,” Dr. Jennifer Kickham told WHDH. “Fortunately mom and baby are doing well.”
Originally posted here:
Superwoman Or Nah? Massachusetts Mother Gives Birth To 14-Pound Baby Girl!