Tag Archives: premium-private

Marla Maples is a Tight Rich Old Lady in a Bikini of the Day

Girls if you’re wondering what the benefits of marrying rich are, they include having all the money in the world with no need to actually work to pay the bills, giving you all the time in the world to hang with your really ugly daughter you had to have to ensure proper payment, and who despite being ashamed of, are happy you have because it has proved to be really fucking profitable, and when you’re not with your ugly daughter cuz you’ve pawned her off to the staff, or the really premium private school you hope educates her very well since her looks won’t be getting her too far, but then again her dad probably will, you can go to the fucking gym and get Abs at 50 in some very freaky, but kinda hot way….probably no hot enough to warrent the monthly checks Trump signs over to her, but he can afford it so who really gives a fuck…. So fuck the poor guy on the side, when the rich guy is at the office and on business trips, cuz shit can make your life a hell of a lot better and all you have to do is fuck them a few times, when they aren’t too busy cheating on you, and make a few public appearances…easy prostitution….like staging a couple paparazzi pics to stay relevant… To See The Rest of the Pictures You Gotta Follow THis Link GO Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Marla Maples is a Tight Rich Old Lady in a Bikini of the Day