Tag Archives: present-during

Mike Shanklin On “Live With Jeff and Jason” Radio About Immigration 6/15/10

6/15/2010 I had a radio appearance on “Live with Jeff and Jason”. It was suppose to be about the mosques being built on ground zero, but we never got that far. Immigration consumed most of our time, leading into discussion about statism. http://www.peacefreedomprosperity.com/?p=3587 added by: shanklinmike

Cops Kill Father-to-Be in Botched Marijuana Raid

On Friday the government’s war on marijuana consumers claimed yet another victim. In Las Vegas, Nevada, metro police shot and killed a 21-year-old father-to-be while serving a search warrant for marijuana. A 21-year-old father-to-be was killed last Friday night by a Las Vegas Police Department narcotics officer serving a search warrant for marijuana. Trevon Cole was shot once in the bathroom of his apartment after he made what police described as “a furtive movement.” Police have said Cole was not armed. Police said Monday they recovered an unspecified amount of marijuana and a set of digital scales. A person identifying herself as Cole’s fianc