Tag Archives: preston-culver

Firefighters Rescue Dog from Austin Flood, Carry Grateful Canine to Safety

This photo ought to make your week. The Austin Fire Department has been unfortunately very busy over the last few days, coming to the aid of those affected by massive flooding in the area. With over 15 inches of rain falling on Central Texas, entire neighborhoods have been evacuated and rescue workers have been on the scene around the clock. But it’s not just those with two legs who need assistance, as photographer Preston Culver captured a heartwarming moment between firefighters Matt Harvey and Michael Cooper yesterday. Check out their admirable effort below in pulling a canine to safety: This lucky pooch wasn’t the only furry friends to be saved by generous human beings over the past few weeks. Feel better about humanity via this story about an abandoned dog nursed back to health and this tale of a pit bull being rescued from a sewer .

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Firefighters Rescue Dog from Austin Flood, Carry Grateful Canine to Safety