Tag Archives: pretty-accurate

Miley Cyrus Sexy Slumber Party Pictures

Here are some more stills from Miley Cyrus’ new straight to DVD movie So Undercover . This looks like absolute garbage, and I’m judging that purely on a couple of lame pictures, but I think it will be a pretty accurate prediction. Although, these shots look like they could be from a sorority slumber party theme, which wouldn’t be all that bad. PIllow fights, oiled up leg wrestling and practicing making out with each other plays well in any kind of movie. That’s what happens at slumber party right?

Obama’s 2012 Fundraising Goal Pegged At $1 Billion

Chris Cillizza, writing for the Washington Post asks, “Will President Obama be the first billion-dollar man?” Cillizza says “there is already speculation that the cash-collection operation for his 2012 reelection bid will crest the once-unimaginable sum of $1 billion raised. … 'It's not unrealistic at all, given the amount raised and spent in 2008 and the amount Republican interest groups and 527s will spend against him,' said a former Obama administration official.” In 2008, Obama raised “$745 million, while Sen. John McCain collected $368 million.” http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/12/12/AR2010121203181…. added by: Radical_Centrist

The Rich Threw A Party: Ted Rall Cartoon

I thought this was a pretty accurate statement of the recent situation here in America. I hear so many middle and lower class folks defending the wealthy under the guise that “its not their fault for having money” but this lets them off the hook for their abhorrent choices that directly affected 'us'. added by: adamvelvetu

Michelle "Bombshell" McGee: I’m No Nazi!

Jesse James’ mistress, Michelle “Bombshell” McGee, is a Nazi. This is a proven fact. You don’t go all “Hail Hitler” in an entire spread full of Nazi photos and get the words “white power” tattooed on yourself for fun. Still, in McGee’s custody battle with ex-husband Shane Modica, she totally denies the whole Nazi/white power thing. Bombshell claims the following: “I do NOT have a swastika tattoo on me.” THG NOTE : Michelle McGee absolutely has a swastika tattoo – close to her genitals. It cannot be shown here for obvious reasons, but we kid not . Plus, look at this garbage. Really helps her credibility … Michelle McGee: Definitely not a Nazi. Not a chance . Bombshell also says in the court declaration, “I do NOT show my children how to ‘Nazi salute.'” As for the child block magnets spelling “white power” in her house? That “was NOT of my doing,” she says. “Friends of Shane’s did this and gave the picture to Shane upon HIS requested (sic) so he could use it against me in court.” Michelle McGee goes on to adamantly lie state that “I do NOT do any pornography in my house.” “I do NOT do any webcam ‘sessions’ with my children present.” Wow, how admirable. She’s definitely a Mother of the Year Award winner. Bombs took a brief break from posing topless online and sparring with Chelsea Handler (whose ” dumb bitch ” description of McGee is pretty accurate) to appear in a San Diego court yesterday, fighting in her ongoing custody battle. McGee claims her ex is making up all these allegations so he can get custody and move out of the county. Mmm hmm, he totally “made up” the pictures above.

See the original post here:
Michelle "Bombshell" McGee: I’m No Nazi!

Suck It, Sharkfeed

If you're gonna post shark shit , do it right. The Best Links: Sharkfeed on BuzzFeed View

Where We Live, According to The Beatles

This is pretty accurate, if you ask me. View