Tag Archives: preview-better

Jessica Biel Drops A Little Sideboob

I’m not sure if I’m the only one who feels this way, but I think that a good quality sideboob shot is almost as hot as a full on cleavage shot. These days we see cleavage everywhere we look, the female border agent when I went to the Dominican Republic was dropping like six inches of cleavage, so a little sideboob is a nice change of pace. Here’s Jessica Biel giving us a pretty tasty little profile shot on the red carpet for Total Recall . I will definitely be recalling this later.

Kelly Brook’s Sexy Nuts Cover

Yesterday I had a preview shot of Kelly Brook’s upcoming busty Nuts magazine cover, awesome, well now I’ve got the real thing. To be honest, I like the preview better, this one’s all covered up with annoying text about British people I couldn’t care less about. Those breasts should be front and center. Anyhow, I’ve also got a bonus shot of the hottie sprawled out on the bed of a cheap motel room. Yes please.