Tag Archives: previous-ones

Newest Eclipse Poster: Dark, Foreboding, Awesome

It all begins … with a choice . The time for moping around in New Moon is over, and the time to take action has arrived. Soon, so will Eclipse in theaters, as advertised in this dark new poster. Featuring Bella front and center with Edward and Jacob looking hot in back, the poster is actually a lot like previous ones for the third movie in the Twilight saga. But the colors are, like, totally dark and gloomy now. This is deep, ominous stuff. Things are about to get very real, and much like Robsten , we can’t wait for it: The choice is Bella’s June 30 . If you haven’t seen the full Eclipse trailer , we suggest you do so now. If you already think the film is being overhyped, you’re totally right … but THERE IS NO ESCAPE!

Newest Eclipse Poster: Dark, Foreboding, Awesome