Tag Archives: probably-giving

Joanna Krupa Does The Stupid Mannequin Challenge Nude

I’m assuming you’ve probably heard of the Mannequin Challenge by now, but just in case you only use the Internet for important things (you know, like looking up bikini pictures), it’s pretty much exactly like the stupid Ice Bucket Challenge that was going around a couple years ago, only without the whole raising-money-for-a-good-cause thing. Anyway, normally, I think all these viral video trends are lame, and I get burnt out on them in under 24 hours. But then I saw the one Joanna Krupa did, and I take it all back. See, she was able to figure out the one thing this dumb trend has been missing: models and InstaHotties getting naked for attention. It’s genius! My version of the #mannequinchallenge ☺️ by @romainzago #joannakrupa. A video posted by Joanna Krupa (@joannakrupa) on Nov 26, 2016 at 3:00pm PST Continue reading

Elizabeth Banks For You Nerds!

OK nerds, this one’s for you: according to my sources, these shots of Elizabeth Banks all covered in dirt and dressed in green spandex aren’t from one of those artsy “high-fashion” photoshoots I never understand. They’re the first look at her character in the new Power Rangers movie. And I’m guessing that’s probably giving at least a few of you nerd boners right now. Personally though, I think this costume could use a little less green and a lot more skin. Continue reading

Rihanna Filming a Music Video with Hard Nipples of the Day

Rihanna has the right idea…use her abuser that probably was never her abuser to help launch her career….pretend to hate him….stir up scandal when she’s probably giving him kickbacks for keeping up the lie…only to get knocked up by him…cuz that’s just the kind of girl she is….but that’s not why she has the right idea…she is a poor child hooker turned rich and really famous….gone back to her over sexed at a young age roots and is spreading that gospel to her millions of little girls that now think it is ok to be beat, and whored out…..that it is ok to be a slut….and I don’t think anything can go wrong with that…. So here she is filming her music with her hard nipples…all wet, shaved head and barely interesting….but interesting enough for me…cuz all i need in life is some hard nipples and a popstar millionaire who posts highlighted quotes from god, pics of her weed smoking, and just keeps getting crazier and crazier…..all wet on set.. I am drunk, jet lagged and a fan of this Rihanna character….or at least of her nipples.

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Rihanna Filming a Music Video with Hard Nipples of the Day

Britney Spears Scary Tits Need a Bra of the Day

Britney Spears has some wild-style nipples. It’s like they are all over the fucking place in some real sloppy fucking mess, making the rumor of her having implants a serious fucking joke, unless she did have implants and got them removed, leaving her tits this saggy, empty bag in desparate need of getting filled. I really can’t imagine anyone being able to jerk off to this shit, but then again, that’s probably giving you a little too much credit, cuz if there is a will there’s a way. I will say that these are the kind of tits, if you do jerk off to, you end up really questionning yourself with shit like “did I really just cum to that?”. “What’s wrong with me?”, “Has it got so bad that I got no standards in my masturbation too?”….kinda thing… But I guess it is Britney and here are the pics… Bonus that’s not really a bonus – some pictures of her ass crack…. Pics via Fame

Britney Spears Scary Tits Need a Bra of the Day