Tag Archives: project-called

3 Ways Leather Tanneries are Greening Up Their Process

Solar farm atop a PrimeAsia Leather Corp. leather tannery in Vietnam. Courtesy photo via WWD . Tanning is an intense chemical process which transforms decomposable rawhide into leather, but not without discharging serious pollution into water; Around 250 chemicals are used in the process , with chromium sulfate being the most dangerous. In Monday’s is… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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3 Ways Leather Tanneries are Greening Up Their Process

Say Something! Ocean Voices Project Collects Your Experiences, Impressions Of Our Seas

Photo via Ma.Ka. What would the world be like without oceans? What does it feel like to be in the ocean? How does the ocean affect your life on a daily basis? These are some of the prompts given to participants in an extraordinary new sound project called Ocean Voices. Last week, the California Academy of Sciences hosted the premiere of Ocean Voices , a project that collects people’s thoughts, experiences, impressions and musings on our oceans. It’s a powerful listening experience, with layers of sound creating an i… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Say Something! Ocean Voices Project Collects Your Experiences, Impressions Of Our Seas

Hef Saves Hollywood

Hugh Hefner saves Hollywood. Kind of. The Playboy mogul donated the last $900,000 to save the iconic sign from development.

Ginnifer Goodwin Kick-Starts Her Day With Caffeine

Ginnifer Goodwin was spotted drinking a cup of coffee this morning as she arrived on the set in New York City. The super cute actress, best known for work on the hit HBO show Big Love , is working on her latest project called Something Borrowed .

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Ginnifer Goodwin Kick-Starts Her Day With Caffeine

Microsoft Pink Phone Specifications

Microsoft has done their mobile project called “Pink” and now, the two phones made with Pink Project are called Kin One and Kin Two. They are touchscreen phones and also has a slide QWERTY keyboard. More Specifications of Kin One and Kin Two can be found from the links below. Mirosoft Kin One Mobile Phone Specifications Mirosoft Kin Two Mobile Phone Specifications Microsoft Pink Phone Specifications is a post from: Daily World Buzz Continue reading

Doug Pitt's Project

The famous Hollywood actor, Brad Pitt has a younger Brother and his name is Doug Pitt . He has a project called as the Care to Learn Project. This is the project.

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Doug Pitt's Project