(Photo by JB Lacroix/ WireImage) Eniko Hart Shows Off Kenzo’s Chunky Lil Arms For The Gram Baby Kenzo is growing and showing off his healthy baby rolls, courtesy of his mama Eniko. The Hart’s posed in mirror flick for IG and papa Kevin Hart swiped it for his own page writing: #Harts #LilFatBat #MyChunkaButt #MyMiniMiniMe Kevin calls Kenzo his “Mini Mini Me”. How sweet. Previously, we reported that Eniko would playfully be playing chaperone to Kev while he goes on his “Irresponsible” tour. Maybe Kenzo will be out on the road as well. Do you think he looks like Kevin, Eniko or both of his parents? Adorbs.
WENN Donald Trump’s Administration Just Cut $200 Million From Teen Pregnancy Programs In not so surprising news, Trump and his administration have cut a huge amount of money from funding for teen pregnancy programs, $213.6 Million to be exact. These budget cuts amount to two years’ worth of funding from five-year grants that were given to these same programs by the Obama administration two years ago, designed to help find scientifically proven ways to help teens avoid unwanted pregnancy. The annual grant letter sent to the Federal Office of Adolescent Health this year began with the following sentence: “this award also shortens the project period to end June 30, 2018, at the end of this budget year,” though the initial end date when rewarded was said to be 2020. Those affected by these cuts include the Chicago Department of Public Health, the University of Southern California, and the Healthy Teen Network in Baltimore. Though teen pregnancy rates have been steadily declining since 1990, and were at a record low in 2016, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is still the highest among developed countries. So shoutout to Trump and his administration for taking a step in the wrong direction and cutting spending when we really need it. Is his term over yet???