Tag Archives: trump

Michael Cohen Will Reportedly Accuse Cheeto-In-Chief Of Criminal Conduct, Racism During Presidency

Source: Eduardo Munoz Alvarez / Getty Michael Cohen Will Reportedly Testify Against Donald Trump Donald Trump ‘s former lawyer, Michael Cohen , may just be the smoking gun we need to get the 72-year-old toddler out of here. Cohen pled guilty to eight federal crimes back in August, including tax evasion, and one count of lying to Congress in November—and now, he’s reportedly headed back to court to accuse the president of crimes while in office. From Rawstory : “The former Trump Organization attorney will reveal to the House Oversight Committee some of the president’s private financial statements and accuse Trump of manipulating the value of his net worth for business and personal reasons, such as avoiding taxes on his property, reported the  Wall Street Journal . The financial statements were created by the president’s accountant, and Cohen is expected to testify that he personally witnessed ‘lies, racism and cheating’ by Trump.” Additionally, Rawstory reports Cohen is expected to describe “racist remarks Trump made to him, such as questioning the intelligence of black Americans and criticizing their lifestyles.” Cohen’s testimony is expected to specifically provide evidence of Trump’s criminal conduct since taking office as president, although “a source told the newspaper only that the testimony would cover a hush money payment to Stephanie Clifford, also known as Stormy Daniels.” Stay tuned as we continue with updates.  

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Michael Cohen Will Reportedly Accuse Cheeto-In-Chief Of Criminal Conduct, Racism During Presidency

Happy Valentine’s Day! 13 Young And Hopelessly In Love Celeb Couples

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Source: gotpap/Bauer-Griffin / Getty Every day is an opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. BUT…having a sacred 24 hours to specifically celebrate romance and friendship serves as a much-needed annual reminder of what’s most important in life. Thankfully, these days there’s a lot of love in the air to combat all the pettiness going around in the Trump era—even in Hollywood. Of course we have the OG couples—i.e. the Carters , the Smiths , the James’ —that help us keep hope alive. But it’s also really cute that there are all these young celebrities loving out loud too. Think Durk and India Royale , Christian Combs and Breah Hicks …you know the vibes. Hit the flip for more photos of all our favorite young celeb couples getting love right…or, at least trying their best to. Then,  let us know who’s your fave.

Happy Valentine’s Day! 13 Young And Hopelessly In Love Celeb Couples

It’s Still FDT All Day: YG Announces He’s Releasing Sequel To “FDT” Sometime Soon

Source: Santiago Felipe / Getty YG Teases A Sequel To “FDT” Is Coming Soon In case you were wondering, it’s still f*** Donald Trump season, and YG has a plan to help everyone to keep that energy alive. The Bompton rapper took to Twitter to make an unexpected announcement, letting fans know that a sequel to his anthem “FDT” is “BOMING SOON.” FUCK DONALD TRUMP 2 BOMING SOON — STAY DANGEROUS (@YG) January 15, 2019 No word on how soon we’ll actually get this highly-anticipated follow-up, but Donald Trump surely won’t be short of material to make fun of on a track anytime in the near future. Beside the initial release of the song–which caused protests at some of his shows by Trump supporters–the rapper previously released a remix featuring G-Eazy and Macklemore. It’s pretty easy to assume that YG will have a lot more to say about the Cheeto-in-Chief in this updated sequel–especially since the first two versions of the track came out before Donald Trump was even elected president. Anything from the border wall to the longest government shutdown in American history is fair game, so it would’t really be surprising if YG came out with a 45 minute track on everything wrong with this y’alls lil president. Place your bets now, people: which will come first…the sequel to “FDT” or Donald Trump re-opening the government? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

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It’s Still FDT All Day: YG Announces He’s Releasing Sequel To “FDT” Sometime Soon

Mainstream Media Needs To Figure Out How To Call Racists Racist

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T here are certain rules that journalists have to follow that oftentimes fall at odds with the general public. For instance, I see a lot of frustration when headlines use the word “alleged” for crimes that most people feel are obvious. However, journalists must use the word until a crime is proven in a court of law. The rules of journalism are strict and it largely revolves around the possibility of being sued and facing monetary repercussions. That’s one reason there’s so much attention placed to a news outlet’s stylebook that dictates rules for how it addresses certain topics (as well as what phrases or words they capitalize, etc.). But in this age of normalized nationalism where the president refers to Black and brown nations as “ shithole countries ” and congressmen openly support white supremacy, it’s time that mainstream publications definitively add another word to their stylebooks: racist. Comb through any popular publication and you’ll see something between reluctance to a downright refusal to call someone racist. Even actions fall under this passivity. Just this morning, NBC reportedly sent out a memo discouraging it staff from calling Iowa Rep. Steve King’s remarks – asking why the term “white supremacist” was offensive – racist: “Be careful to avoid characterizing [King’s] remarks as racist. It is ok to attribute to others as in ‘what many are calling racist’ or something like that.” READ MORE: Steve King Is So Racist He Didn’t Even Like Shucking And Jiving Ben Carson While NBC quickly walked back its tone-deaf directive following an immediate backlash on social media, it was, of course, part of a larger trend of media mincing words to prevent appearing controversial or coming off as opinionated in straight news stories. It’s why so many news outlets are also reluctant to use the word “lie” to describe the many times Donald Trump, well, lies, throughout the course of a day. Instead, we get words like “falsehoods” or statements that he’s said something that’s “been disproved.” When it comes to racism, the New York Times and the like would rather say “racially tinged” or “racially charged” instead of outright calling an action racist. Even when the racist action is undeniable, like with Steve King’s comments, every publication seems to fall short of calling the person behind said racist action a racist. 'racially tinged' is when a Klan member washes their robes with other red clothes and everything comes out pink — Swole Porter. (@GeeDee215) January 15, 2019 The problem with the word “racist” is that there’s always deniability on the part of the accused. Nobody calls him or herself a racist so there’s always the possibility of legal action coming towards an outlet that labels a person a such. But that’s a convenient argument. Part – if not most – of the problem comes from so many in the media wanting to appease white bases, fearing a backlash from a fraction of the populace who would be offended by even hinting at using the word “racist.” The fact is, Donald Trump and his political ilk have pushed mainstream discussions of race so far right that the media trying to find a middle ground have consequently caused publications to likewise move in the same direction language-wise. It might have seemed unheard of years ago that the mainstream media would find itself in a position to have to call a sitting president an outright racist. Such an act would have been beyond the bounds of objective journalism. But that’s not the case anymore. Donald Trump has called Mexicans rapists and thieves. He’s sided with white supremacists who murdered a woman in Charlottesville. He’s called for the death penalty for innocent Black people. He’s used the word “shithole” to describe African and Caribbean countries. He continues to disrespect every Black woman reporter who asks him a question. Donald Trump is a racist. And if we can’t call him one then what’s the point of having a journalistic institution that claims to report facts? For some, the idea of a racist is subjective. However, it’s time for publications to empower their reporters with an apparatus to determine what constitutes fair ability to call someone or an act racist. The word “racist” needs to be in every stylebook across the country with clearly defined parameters and if someone meets those parameters then the word should be used. Donald Trump is a racist. Steve King is a racist. The men who marched in Charlottesville are racists. I’m glad that I write for a place that allows me to say that. It’s a disservice to the country that more journalists can’t do the same. David Dennis, Jr. is a writer and adjunct professor of Journalism at Morehouse College. David’s writing has appeared in The Guardian, The Smoking Section, Uproxx, Playboy, The Atlantic, Complex.com and wherever people argue about things on the internet. SEE ALSO: Mainstream Media’s Never-ending Struggle With Race And Diversity Diversity In Media Seems To Be Getting Worse [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3843258″ overlay=”true”]

Mainstream Media Needs To Figure Out How To Call Racists Racist

1600 Gaslit Ave: Donald Trump Says He NEVER Said Mexico Would Pay For The Wall [Video]

Source: JIM WATSON / Getty Donald Trump Claims He Never Said Mexico Would Pay For Wall Dawg, Donald Trump be lyin’ his A$$ off, bruh. Each and every one of us is old enough to remember back in 2016 when Donald Trump was runnin’ for President and runnin’ his mouth claiming that Mexico would pay for his bum a$$ $5 billion border wall. Although we wouldn’t know if we were, we’re pretty sure that we didn’t get hit with the Men In Black thingy and this for sure happened back on February 25, 2016 Today, Donnie is telling more lies in an attempt to convince the American people to cough up the coins for his personal political gain. Continue reading

For The Low Low Price Of $50 Mil: Pablo Escobar’s Brother Launched A GoFundMe To Impeach Donald Trump

Source: The Washington Post / Getty Pablo Escobar’s Brother Is Trying To Impeach Donald Trump Pablo Escobar’s brother, Roberto “El Osito” Escobar, is a man of the people–so, naturally, he launched a  GoFundMe  campaign in an attempt to impeach  Donald Trump . According to the people over at TMZ , he’s hoping to raise a humble $50 million for his company Escobar Inc., though it’s not entirely clear what Roberto’s plans for the money are. On the GoFundMe page, which has since been removed from the platform, Roberto claimed that he has a lot of information that could harm Trump and his career as president. “I am the brother of a Latino hero, I have eliminated many people from power. … Trump will be impeached,” he wrote. The money raised would reportedly be used to finance “intelligence research, lobby firms and lawyers” to assist in getting Trump out of office. According to the plan with the questionable plan, he has information that Robert Mueller would want to hear, whatever that means. “We, the people will impeach Donald Trump with Pablo Escobar’s family holding dirty secrets of President Trump, his family and associates,” the promo image for the page promised once it went up. As previously stated, the fundraiser has since been shut down by GoFundMe–even though the  We The People Will Fund The Wall  page with a $1 billion goal is still up and running.  

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For The Low Low Price Of $50 Mil: Pablo Escobar’s Brother Launched A GoFundMe To Impeach Donald Trump

Ain’t Worried About Nothing: Trump Brushes Of Dems After Hearing Reports Of Them Re-Introducing Articles of Impeachment

Source: Alex Wong / Getty Trump Ain’t Worried About Nothing In Regards To Looming Articles Of Impeachment As reported by the Washington Post , Trump took to Twitter to check Democrats after hearing that they were re-introducing Articles of Impeachment. Trump wrote “How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%?”   As I have stated many times, if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2019 How do you impeach a president who has won perhaps the greatest election of all time, done nothing wrong (no Collusion with Russia, it was the Dems that Colluded), had the most successful first two years of any president, and is the most popular Republican in party history 93%? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 4, 2019   Trump continued to add that “if the Democrats take over the House or Senate, there will be disruption to the Financial Markets. We won the Senate, they won the House. Things will settle down. They only want to impeach me because they know they can’t win in 2020, too much success!” Aside from the latest developments, most reports indicate that House Democratic leaders will wait for Robert Mueller’s report on his investigation of Trump, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi adding that “We shouldn’t be impeaching for a political reason, and we shouldn’t avoid impeachment for a political reason. So we’ll just have to see how it comes.” Although many people are overjoyed with the thought of a Trump impeachment, some Dems are not so happy. Many prominent Democrats fear that a failed impeachment would backfire and end up increasing support for Trump, possibly catapulting him into re-election .

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Ain’t Worried About Nothing: Trump Brushes Of Dems After Hearing Reports Of Them Re-Introducing Articles of Impeachment

Kanye And Kim Reportedly Expecting Their Fourth Child As The Rapper Praises MAGA Again

K anye West and Kim Kardashian are expecting their fourth child. However, all the 41-year-old rapper can tweet about is Donald Trump . SEE ALSO:  Some No Name, Pitchy R&B Singer Disrespected Keith Sweat And Gets Demolished On Twitter The news about the baby was confirmed to People.com . The couple has three other kids:  Chicago , 11 months, Saint , 3, and North , 5. You would think Kanye would focus on being a new dad or his music—as he promised he would—but instead, he is tweeting about Trump and the Make America Great Again hat. Just yesterday, he wrote on Twitter, “One of my favorite of many things about what the Trump hat represents to me is that people can’t tell me what to do because I’m black.” As if Kanye, who is a “proud non-reader of books” ever listened to anyone because he is Black. One of my favorite of many things about what the Trump hat represents to me is that people can’t tell me what to do because I’m black — ye (@kanyewest) January 1, 2019 He also wrote, “From now on I’m performing with my mutherfucking hat on.” From now on I’m performing with my mutherfucking hat on — ye (@kanyewest) January 1, 2019 Let’s not forget, back in August , he apologized for the hateful hat, which is a clear call to white supremacy. Kanye said, “I don’t know if I properly apologized for how the slavery comment made people feel. I’m sorry for the one-two effect of the MAGA hat into the slave comment, and I’m sorry for people that felt let down by that moment. And I appreciate you giving me the opportunity to talk to you about the way I was thinking and what I was going through.” Clearly, there isn’t a sincere bone in Kanye’s body. Kanye also said he did a podcast with Joe Rogan , one of those conservative commentators who is tired of people thinking “ everything is racist .” SEE ALSO: All The Ways Cops Are Still Trying To Cover Up LaQuan McDonald’s Execution Outrageous! Figurines Of White Cherub Crushing Head Of Black Angel Removed From Dollar Store Meet Jogger Joe, The Man Who Took Racist Cue From BBQ Becky In Tossing Homeless Man’s Clothes [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3838917″ overlay=”true”]

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Kanye And Kim Reportedly Expecting Their Fourth Child As The Rapper Praises MAGA Again

FBI Confirms Gillum Is Not Corrupt And That DeSantis Lied

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T he cloud of corruption finally lifted from Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum with the release on Wednesday of an FBI report on its probe of city officials. It confirmed Gillum’s denial of wrongdoing and showed that his Republican rival for Florida governor Ron DeSantis exploited the investigation to win the election. See Also: Andrew Gillum Lost Florida Election Because Of Racism, Democrats Say Gillum’s name was not listed among those indicted by federal authorities in an investigation into whether businessmen were able to influence Tallahassee development projects, Politico reported. DeSantis led a racist campaign that poured millions of dollars into painting Gillum, who was running to become the state’s first African-American governor, as corrupt—even though Gillum had always said he was not a target of the probe. Republicans spent at least $7 million on TV ads to connect Gillum to the investigation. It paid off, with DeSantis winning a narrow victory. “If the FBI had something on Gillum, they would have brought it by now or it would be in this indictment. They got nothing on Gillum. He got screwed,” said Steven R. Andrews , a Republican strategist who is also a criminal defense attorney representing one of the defendants in the case. NewsOne talked with @AndrewGillum about his campaign, as he races toward the finish line in the #FloridaPrimary for governor…. https://t.co/e2D9Xg3KE8 @peoplefor pic.twitter.com/aKGq5PwpWf — NewsOne (@newsone) August 28, 2018 Gillum’s connection to the investigation was reportedly centered on his relationship with local businessman and lobbyist Adam Corey , a college friend who was previously Gillum’s campaign treasurer. Corey had reportedly set up meetings between undercover FBI agents, posing as land developers, and Tallahassee officials—including Gillum. The FBI investigation was just one of the tools in DeSantis’ arsenal that included racist attacks. DeSantis has a long history of associating with white nationalists. Less than 24 hours after winning the GOP nomination in August, DeSantis blew a racist dog whistle when he warned Florida voters not to “monkey this up” by voting for Gillum. Soon after, white supremacists answered the whistle by sending out racist robocalls. Another series of robocalls attacking Gillum went out during their first debate. Gillum decidedly out-dueled DeSantis in the first debate through his mastery of the issues. But the Trump-backed candidate often used allegations of corruption to score points against Gillum. Now that the FBI investigation is in the rearview mirror, Gillum can focus on his political future. There were reports that he met recently with former President Barack Obama . SEE ALSO: Detroit Pastor Charged With Murdering A Transgender Woman Anti-Abortion Mississippi Governor Blows His Racist Dog Whistle [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3840106″ overlay=”true”]

FBI Confirms Gillum Is Not Corrupt And That DeSantis Lied

Mia Love Pleads With GOP To Connect With African Americans After Getting Dragged By Trump

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B lack Republican Rep. Mia Love of Utah, still licking her wounds after losing a re-election bid to Congress, urged her party to improve its relationship with African Americans after President Trump showed his contempt for her and the Black community through his policies. See Also: Mia Love Whines People Don’t Like Her Because She’s Black, Not Because She Supported A Racist “We have especially failed to bring our message to, and connect with, women and racial minorities. And we have effectively written off cities as Democratic strongholds. Our nation is poorer for it,” she penned in an open letter published in the Washington Post on Wednesday. Black Republican Mia Love Suddenly Realizes Trump Is Trash After Losing Re-Election https://t.co/N3ZHLSBjK1 via @newsone — brandonallison (@brandonkallison) November 26, 2018 Love has been seemingly everywhere recently, on somewhat of an unofficial national tour , talking about how she was mistreated by Trump and Democrats because of her race. She lost her election in a close race for a third term in Congress. It’s unclear what the political future holds for Love, who made history as the first and only Black Republican woman in Congress. Many in the GOP hoped that her early political success would help to bring racial diversity to the party. But the Trump-dominated GOP is an inhospitable place to most African Americans. Trump publicly showed his contempt for Love  the day after the midterms . “Mia Love gave me no love and she lost,” Trump said mocking the congresswoman, naming her among incumbent House members who didn’t shower him with praise and were defeated. “Too bad. Sorry about that, Mia.” Republicans remained silent while Trump defended white supremacist violence in Charlottesville and labeled Haiti and nations in Africa “ shithole countries. ” The GOP also stood by while their leader claimed falsely that his policies improved the lives of Black people. The president’s policies have in fact been detrimental to the Black community. In education, for example, the president has looked for ways to cut funding to public schools. This comes as many Black children attend schools in buildings that should be condemned, like many found in Detroit , and schools that lack the resources that wealthy school districts offer their students. Moreover, rather than reducing bias in schools, Education Secretary  Betsy DeVos  approved new guidance, which took effect in March, that permits investigators in her department to disregard civil rights cases . Love urged the party to change course. “We must listen to their experiences, visit them in their comfort zones and take their priorities to heart. Our policy implementations must be personal — not transactional,” she wrote. But it’s unlikely that Republican leaders are paying attention to her. SEE ALSO: Detroit Pastor Charged With Murdering A Transgender Woman Meghan McCain Reprimands ‘The View’ Audience For Clapping That Openly Racist John Kelly Was Fired [ione_media_gallery src=”https://newsone.com” id=”3840218″ overlay=”true”]

Mia Love Pleads With GOP To Connect With African Americans After Getting Dragged By Trump