Tag Archives: project-misty

"Project Misty" is a Resounding Suck-cess

Here’s some feel-good news for you on this sunny Friday afternoon: a few days ago we told you about the campaign to bring Radley Meztger ‘s erotic classic The Opening of Misty Beethoven to Blu-ray here on the Mr. Skin blog. It initially met with great success on Kickstarter, but was derailed when the popular crowd-sourcing site suddenly suspended the campaign, claiming that Misty violated their “community standards.” Not to be deterred, DistribPix head Steven Morowitz moved Misty to an independent site, ProjectMisty.com , and announced to Kickstarter backers that the campaign would continue there. And now, a mere two days after Project Misty was launched, Morowitz has announced that they have reached their goal of $10,000 and Misty Beethoven on Blu-ray will be a reality after all. Project Misty still has another 14 days to go, so if you want to get in on the ground floor (and pre-order the Blu-ray , the poster , or even some sweet “Henry Paris” martini glasses while you’re at it), it’s not too late. Go to ProjectMisty.com now and pledge your support- all additional pledges will go towards improving the Blu-ray product (subtitle coding, additional restoration, upgraded menus, etc). And congratulations to Steven and the crew at DistribPix! Long live Misty Beethoven ! Celebrate Project Misty ‘s success with nude pics of star Constance Money right here at MrSkin.com!

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"Project Misty" is a Resounding Suck-cess