Tag Archives: properly-beat

Fades & Nightmares: Footage Of Meek Mill And Safaree’s Ex-Boyfriend Beatdown Gets Roasted Relentlessly

Image via Winston Burris/Derrick Salters/WENN Twitter Clowns Meek Mill For Failing To Properly Beat Up Safaree Late last night, news broke that Nicki Minaj’s ex, Safaree Samuels, had been jumped in the streets of Los Angeles. Safaree took to social media to point the finger at his eskimo nemesis Meek Mill and the Dreamchasers for the attack. https://youtu.be/illOkwVgj6s Many wondered how Safaree (who was dressed in all white) was still so clean after being “jumped”. Today, we have footage of the fade that provides an answer to that question… [protected-iframe id=”8cd0a0e9b82bd9fedc49e93669dbcf15-568005-15257034″ info=”//cdnapisec.kaltura.com/p/591531/sp/59153100/embedIframeJs/uiconf_id/6740162/partner_id/591531?iframeembed=true&playerId=kaltura_player_1413478522&entry_id=0_4dvddukb” width=”664″ height=”421″ frameborder=”0″ style=”width: 700; height: 394px;” webkitallowfullscreen=”” mozallowfullscreen=”” allowfullscreen=””] Meek’s IG posts made it seem as if he was in the studio when the fight occurred, but this TMZ video clearly shows him getting out of an SUV in front of Safaree JUST before the melee popped off. Doesn’t look like many of Meek’s alleged goons landed any punches. You can see Safaree scurry away at the top of the screen. As with all things surrounding Meek Mill, Twitter was more than willing to add as many “L’s” to his name as they possibly could. Flip it over to peep the hilarious reactions. https://twitter.com/GhostFaceSigma/status/878470233832509440 https://twitter.com/3lone/status/878469881368268800 https://twitter.com/Natural_OneDurr/status/878469369399050240 https://twitter.com/tariqnasheed/status/878467552862535681 https://twitter.com/KingJon100/status/878460621309829121 https://twitter.com/Svage2times/status/878467735658868737 https://twitter.com/SpikeReeds/status/878467131293130753 https://twitter.com/SlickJizzle/status/878461702089715712 https://twitter.com/SeanTheTerrible/status/878467125500944384 https://twitter.com/ThePenseur/status/878455973131800576 https://twitter.com/bigshitxtalker/status/878451893554511873 https://twitter.com/drizzyxcole/status/878448888302243840

See more here:
Fades & Nightmares: Footage Of Meek Mill And Safaree’s Ex-Boyfriend Beatdown Gets Roasted Relentlessly