Tag Archives: pull-the-same

Dumb Viral Bitch of the Day

So an unattractive, aspiring instagram model, used her tits, in a video to mock instagram models, went viral….last I saw it had 6 million views on Facebook and people are celebrating her like she’s a fucking genius… When an aspiring Instagram model makes a video about Instagram models being pathetic because she thinks she’s more than an Instagram model – even though every instagram model thinks she’s more than an instagram model and this one, who keeps grabbing her tits to distract from her ugly face, isn’t even as successful as instagram models who she’s trying to mock, because she really wants to be them….so she’s using them, by stating the obvious about them… But I would say this is ironic, or hypocritical, or just fucking obnoxious and loud and deserving of a punch in the face or even a mud wrestle, because when a girl makes fun of another girl, she breaks the sisterhood, or the support system girls are supposed to have, in efforts of being empowered… She’s calling other girls whores, who don’t get paid for being whores, even though she’s being a whore, not getting paid for being a whore, only in her case, the video went viral and I bet she does a media tour over this, gets a tv show deal because of this, becomes touring comedian in movies over this – and all it took was less than average high energy rant calling out other girls and the best joke in it is written by Ronda Roussey….who is mentioned twice in what is more concerning than the rest of the video. Cut it is this easy… Everyone already knows what we know about instagram models, most instagram models I know make more than promo models, something she probably was at one point in time, you know handing out toilet paper at the Costco, before figuring out her “comedic” hook…that isn’t even funny, well thought out, or interesting.. I find this girl misogynistic…useless…but people are idiots, and 98 percent of people probably think she’s awesome and has a good message… I think we can all agree, I’m talking racists, sexists, feminists, eveyrone…is that we need to stop judging other people and each other, especially when trying to get ahead. We need to let people post ass shots and hang with rich dudes on yachts if they fucking want to. Who is she to decide what is Insta whoring and what isn’t… Because she’s not as hot as they are – but trying to pull the same numbers they do by being “funny”? Fuck that noise…. Let’s hope this leads to a sex tape, when her “celebrity” dissipates, because her talent is low level, flimsy, and after her one-hit-wonder youtube video loses relevance in 4 days from now and some other idiots takes over viral hits for the week… I don’t support this trash. I hate that she exists and jealous girls are buying into her rant. The post Dumb Viral Bitch of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

The rest is here:
Dumb Viral Bitch of the Day

Paris Hilton Flashes Her Ass of the Day

Today is uninteresting. I saw these pictures of Paris Hilton’s ass in leggings getting streteched out to the point of see thru and I didn’t give a fuck, if anything I found it disgusting…. To See The Rest of the Pics – Follow This Link GO It’s not that I hate herpes on pussy, or even hate rich Socialites with no soul who figured out a way to make money of their own, it’s just that I don’t care about seeing the same bitches pull the same stunts to get noticed, especially many years after she stopped mattering. Not that she ever mattered, but there was a window of time where people thought she did… So here are some other pictures of her shopping with some trash coke head cuz no one married to Charlie Sheen doesn’t rip lines with Charlie Sheen…but I want to make it very clear…I really don’t give a fuck.

Continued here:
Paris Hilton Flashes Her Ass of the Day