Tag Archives: push-dirty

Activists drop 70′ "No Tar Sands Oil" banner off of Niagra Falls

Before dawn this morning, a small team of climate and Native Rights activists rappelled from the US observation deck at Niagara Falls. Dangling hundreds of feet above the ground, they sent a special welcome message to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper ahead of his first official visit to Obama to push dirty Tar Sands oil. added by: joshuakahnrussell 37 responses

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Activists drop 70′ "No Tar Sands Oil" banner off of Niagra Falls

BREAKING NEWS: Activists drop 70′ "No Tar Sands Oil" banner off of Niagra Falls

Before dawn this morning, a small team of climate and Native Rights activists rappelled from the US observation deck at Niagara Falls. Dangling hundreds of feet above the ground, they sent a special welcome message to Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper ahead of his first official visit to Obama to push dirty Tar Sands oil

BREAKING NEWS: Activists drop 70′ "No Tar Sands Oil" banner off of Niagra Falls