Tag Archives: push-the-gay

SMH: Man Beat And Threatened To Castrate His Disabled Brother To “Push The Gay Out” Of Him

Where’s the brotherly love? Man Beat And Threatened To Castrate Disabled Brother When will this type of ignorance cease? You can’t “beat” the gay out of someone. According to Raw Story: An Ohio man was sentenced to two and a half years in prison on Tuesday for beating his disabled brother and threatening to castrate him. The Columbus Dispatch reported that Lawrence L. Featheroff, 38, was allegedly trying to “push the gay out” of his brother through violence. Fairfield County Common Pleas Judge Chris A. Martin sentenced Featheroff to 30 months in prison for each crime, but he will be allowed to serve them simultaneously. Featheroff admitted to abusing his 26-year-old brother Jason A. Meyers, who is developmentally disabled, but considered high functioning. Featheroff explained to police that he became angry when his brother confessed to having sexual thoughts towards other men. Detective Brian Lowe testified in court that Featheroff “wanted to toughen him up to push the gay out of him and make him a normal person.” To that end, Featheroff bloodied his brother’s nose, held a knife to his genitals and threatened to slice them off and verbally harassed him. It doesn’t make any sense how that poor man suffered at the hands of his own flesh and blood. Sad. Shutterstock

SMH: Man Beat And Threatened To Castrate His Disabled Brother To “Push The Gay Out” Of Him