Tag Archives: question-isn

Suckling A Fawn And Child (At The Same Time)

This is a picture of a 1930's Pennsylvania Mountain Lady suckling both a baby deer and a child at the same time. As the eBay auction points out, “She is obviously enjoying this by the grin on her face and the twinkle in her eyes.” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Mom Eats Own Baby’s Brains

A woman in San Antonio went zombie-crazy on her own kid, decapitating him and eating his face, toes, and brains. The woman is clearly sick, so our official position is “how sad,” but you can make brain jokes in the comments if you want

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Mom Eats Own Baby’s Brains

I Love You Beth Cooper’s ‘Viral Disaster’

This is a painfully obvious attempt at a viral video from the marketing team for teen movie I Love You Beth Cooper . As Gawker points out , it's really bad, and it's worse when you realize that the girl was paid $1,800 to do this, that it was shot by Fox, that the boy in question isn't her boyfriend and doesn't even like her that much , and that the video has been a total flop on YouTube. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment