After a mandatory six-month waiting period, Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman’s divorce was made official Friday morning, court records confirm. After separating in September, Aguilera, 30, filed for divorce from music producer Bratman, 32, in October. The couple shares a 3-year-old son, Max. They always seemed happy, but just like that, Aguilera and Bratman are through. The divorce is finalized. Her downward spiral, however? Well … In the six months since splitting with Bratman, Aguilera has … Started dating Matthew Rutler, whoever that is. Attacked Julianne Hough for some reason. Shown up at Jeremy Renner’s birthday WASTED! Forgotten the lyrics to the national anthem. Gotten arrested for public intoxication. Gotten her drink on soon after that. Signed on as a judge on The Voice . Been caught up in a raunchy photo scandal . Hey, at least one of those items isn’t so terrible. [Photo:]
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Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman: Divorced!