Tag Archives: ready-it-below

What Kind Of Fawkery Is This??? BLACK Op-Ed Writer Claims Blacks Should “Thank White America For Slavery”

We just knew this story was about to be about some crazy white guy trolling. But no. Believe it or not this is the thought process of a black writer named King Nazir Muhammad who published an op-ed on Newsblaze.com titled “Blacks Should Thank White America For Slavery”. Ready it below: Let’s look at the positive aspects of what slavery did for African Americans and what was gained from it. First, let’s look at slavery as a training process in which a person learns discipline and the value of work and how to build a nation. We can think of the slave master as a “teacher” and the slave as the student. Under this teaching, the students eventually learn to be a master themselves. This is the real relationship between the master and the slave, but many chose to look at it differently. Many see it as forced servitude without pay, but the payment is what is learned, to farm, to build, and to become a master. If blacks where not sold by their own African brothers to the slave masters, we would not have endured slavery in the first place. That is the negative that African Americans seem to purposely overlook so they will not have to confront their fierce African brothers one day. Nevertheless, what would life in Africa have brought us if we had never been made slaves? We obviously were a people who where looked at by the Africans as “useless.” That is why they sold us. So life there would have been of no real benefit, but because we were sold, we now are some of the smartest and wealthiest black people on earth. There’s more, but we’ll stop there. You can go to Newsblaze if you have to read the whole thing. SMH. Sorry but this is some BS from where we’re sitting. Slavery set up Black America for a LOSS — not a gain. Our families were broken apart, we weren’t able to amass wealth or pass it on to future generations, blacks were denied basic human rights… Crazy. How many people do you know who have this same mentality?

Go here to see the original:
What Kind Of Fawkery Is This??? BLACK Op-Ed Writer Claims Blacks Should “Thank White America For Slavery”